Sample Business Letter
Corporate Business
letters should contain the following information:
- The letter should be written
on company letterhead
- The name of the document
applicant sponsored or employed by the company or organization
- The country to be visited
- The earliest possible date of
departure (if you may travel at any time, indicate an
approximate date)
- A closing signature (someone
other than the applicant)
- <<Your Company Letterhead>>
- To : Passport Agency
- <<DATE>>
Dear Sirs/Madam:
This letter is to
inform you that our employee, <<Your Name>>, <<Your Title>>,
will be traveling on <<Travel Date>> to <<Country to
be visited>> on company business to see <<Host>> to <<Reason for Visit>> for <<Number of Days of Visit>>.
Thank you for your
assistance in expediting his passport application.
- <<Authorized Signer other
than you>>
- <<Title>>
- <<Phone Number>>