If documents for authentication are to be used for a country that is a member of Hague Convention, they require only an apostille. Please refer to the schedule of fees for this service below:
County Clerk / Secretary of State of Georgia Fee: $8.00 per document;
Our Processing Fee: $150.00 per document for the first document, $80 for each additional document; *Please add shipping fees for return shipping if you don't provide a self-addressed prepaid envelope.
To apply:
- Please fill out an Order Form
- Mail your documents, a completed order form and a payment (check or money order payable to Go To Russia Travel, Inc.) to:
Go To Russia Travel, Inc.:
309 Peters Street, Unit A
Atlanta GA 30313
Note, that all non-government issued documents requiring apostille must be notarized by a Notary Public. If you need assistance with notarization of your documents, or have any other questions please call us at 1-888-263-0023