- As of February 15, 2004, single entry business, tourist and private (up to one month) visas are issued to citizens of the following countries without invitations from Kazakhstan but on the basis of their personal or companies' written statements submitted to the Consulate of Kazakhstan: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Iceland, Japan, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Malaysia, Monaco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and USA.
- If you are a dual citizen and hold citizenship of Russia or other country of the former Soviet Union, please contact our office for details.
- If you are applying for visas other than tourist or business, please provide your own official invitation.
- If you apply for a private/homestay visa for more than one month, an original invitation letter issued by the Immigration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of the Republic of Kazakhstan is required. Your relatives or friends in Kazakhstan can obtain invitation from the local authorities of MIA and send it to your address in the USA. The period of stay in Kazakhstan is shown in a separate paragraph and must not exceed 90 days
For adoption visa processing, a copy of an invitation letter from the Regional Departments of the Ministry of Education of Kazakhstan is required.
Please contact our office for fees quote when you have your own invitation.
- When applying for a child traveling without parents, please present the following (in addition to required paperwork):
- copies of parents' passports;
- a copy of the child's birth certificate;
- a letter from one of the child's parents stating non-objection to the child's other parent taking him or her to Kazakhstan.
- Discounts for children under 16 years of age are available – please contact our office for details.
- Visa processing starts on the day we receive your complete paperwork. One day should be added for FedEx delivery of your visa to your home.
- Consulates are closed for all U.S. and their National holidays. Please call us for information on specific country's National holidays.
- Kazakhstan consulates are closed and do not process visas on Wednesdays – Wednesday is not counted as a business day.
- Registration of your visa may be necessary upon arrival – please consult us before your departure.
- Visas cannot be extended while in Kazakhstan.